
Showing posts from August 11, 2013

I Love You This Much!

For Mother's Day at school (I know, a while back) we made the cutest card that I just had to share with you. The kids decorated kitchen towels, wrapped them, then made this card to give to their Mom's. I found the idea on Pinterest and thought what a great idea for 1st and 2nd graders. The Mom's loved them! Some of the cute towels that they made... wrapped up so carefully... then the card. They traced their hands onto construction paper, then wrote I love you, Happy Mother's Day on the outside of the front hand, then accordion folded several strips of paper together and wrote on the inside... This Much!!!!  What a great card to make for any special occasion. I know, not my usual post for the day, but thought these were too cute not to share. What a special craft to do with your grand kids or small children at home too. Happy Stampin'! Lauri

Thank You!

I've been able to make lots of thank you cards this summer. You see, I've been diagnosed with breast cancer, and through the process, I've had some very kind and giving people. It has humbled me greatly to hear the number of people that are praying for me, and knowing that each prayer is brought before our Mighty King and He hears and answers each one. It makes me very grateful! It has been a different summer than what we had planned, that's for sure! Chemo has not been kind some days, and then other days, I feel "normal" and back to myself again...except for no hair! I'm getting used to wearing hats and scarves, though I still can't get used to the people that look at me like I have something missing. I just try to smile and not let it bother me. Maybe they'll figure it out, and then maybe not.Thank you for the support and love I have felt from my family and friends! I know that I don't fight this battle alone and I cherish each one of you! Go...